Grow More Resilient Supporting Sustainability Tumbuh Lebih Tangguh Mendukung Keberlanjutan
HUT Ke-78 RI pada tahun 2023 menggunakan Tema “Terus Melaju untuk Indonesia Maju”, yakni slogan semangat untuk terus mendorong kemajuan dan pembangunan di Indonesia. Slogan ini menggambarkan komitmen untuk terus bekerja keras dan berinovasi guna mencapai tujuan-tujuan pembangunan nasional. Dalam konteks ini, “melaju” mengacu pada tindakan bergerak maju, berkembang, dan meningkatkan berbagai aspek kehidupan di Indonesia. Tujuan “Indonesia Maju” mungkin mencakup berbagai hal, seperti pertumbuhan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan, peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat, pembangunan infrastruktur, pemberdayaan pendidikan dan keterampilan, serta pemajuan budaya dan inovasi.
Untuk mencapai “Indonesia Maju”, diperlukan kolaborasi antara pemerintah, masyarakat, sektor swasta, dan berbagai pihak lainnya. Maka dari itu, Tema Laporan Keberlanjutan PT Metropolitan Land Tbk (Metland) tahun buku 2023 juga tak lepas dari seluruh iat besar tersebut. Sebagai perusahaan sektor properti dan real estate terkemuka di Indonesia, Metland turut berkontribusi dalam pertumbuhan perekonomian Indonesia yang berkelanjutan. Perseroan berkomitmen memberikan dukungan berkelanjutan tersebut dengan kepedulian terhadap isu-isu sosial dengan melaksanakan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan (TJSL), melalui Program CSR. Perseroan terus memperbaiki diri berdiri kuat, menjalani bisnis secara efisien dan terus berekspansi untuk mencapai pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan. |
The 78th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia in 2023 carries the theme "Moving Forward for Advanced Indonesia", which is a spirit slogan to continue to encourage advance and development in Indonesia. This slogan illustrates the commitment to continue working hard and innovating to achieve national development goals. In this context, "moving foward" refers to the act of keep going, developing, and improving various aspects of life in Indonesia. The goals of "Advanced Indonesia" may include things such as sustainable economic growth, improving people's welfare, infrastructure development, empowering education and skills, and promoting culture and innovation.
Achieving "Indonesia Maju" requires collaboration between the government, the community, the private sector, and various other parties. Therefore, the theme of the Sustainability Report of PT Metropolitan Land Tbk (Metland) for the fiscal year 2023 is also inseparable from all these great intentions. As a leading property and real estate sector company in Indonesia, Metland contributes to the sustainable growth of the Indonesian economy. The Company is committed to provide sustainable support that focus on social issues by implementing Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSR), through the CSR Program. The Company continues to improve itself to stand strong, operate business efficiently and continue to expand to achieve sustainable growth. |
BNI consistently engages and synergizes with all stakeholders to collectively respond to every challenge and create a sustainable future together. Arising challenges, such as cybercrime due to digitization acceleration and issues caused by climate change, compel BNI into becoming an agent of change that must be perpetually ready to adapt and evolve in facing all occurring changes.
As one of State-owned Enterprises (SOE), BNI also makes persistent efforts to develop a better Indonesia in the future by continuing to collaborate with the community as well as providing excellent service to its customers. BNI believes that engaging stakeholders, both national and global, can create shared values in the long term. Therefore, BNI will always continue to open opportunities and cultivate synergies with stakeholders to move towards a sustainable future. |
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